`Spanish SLANG` Learning Site forced to change domain name to stay in business
Released on = March 7, 2006, 9:59 am
Press Release Author = Carlos Miranda
Industry = Education
Press Release Summary = Wetb---Spanish4Gringos.com was forced to change domain name, if it wanted to continue to promote its learning product online.
Press Release Body = Wetb---Spanish4Gringos.com was forced to change its domain name to LatinoSpanish4Gringos.com due to allegations that the word "Wetb---" had Racial Implications.
The Spanish language is growing in popularity world wide, specially in the US since Hispanics became the largest minority in the country in 2003. By nature Latin American Spanish it is very "Colorful" and its "Colorfulness" changes dramatically from country to country. Actually in the US, there since there are so many immigrants from so many countries, the Spanish you hear in Miami that is Cuban and Puerto Rican dominant, might be very different from the Spanish you will hear in Texas, which is Mexican dominant. Because of this, a "Country Specific - Spanish Slang" dictionary was created.
In order to stick as close as possible to the reality it includes cuss words and local idiomatic expressions from Cuba, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico and Puerto Rico. But since the roots of US Hispanics are mostly illegal aliens the term "Wetb--- Spanish" was used to name the course, but obviously it seemed offensive and it was prohibited by the Credit Card Processor. To overcome this obstacle and to be able to share the information contained in the dictionaries, the domain was changed to www.LatinoSpanish4Gringos.com
Web Site = http://www.LatinoSpanish4Gringos.com
Contact Details = 2714 SW 142Place Miami,Fl 33175 (208)248-4807
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